Monday, June 20, 2005

Assessment say ... (2)

Bagian pertama dari report kedua adalah 3 grafik seperti yang aku ceritakan sebelumnya. Lalu diikuti oleh banyak personality description. Aku akan tuliskan beberapa bagian saja disini. Lumayan menarik membaca bagaimana 'alat' satu ini menggambarkan tentang diri kita :)'.

General Characteristic :
* Direct; Decieve
* High ego strength [salah nih :)]
* Problem solver
* Risk - Taker; Self starter

Value To Team :
* Bottom-line organizer
* Places high value on time
* Challenges the status quo
* Innovative

Greaterst Fear :
* Being taken advantage of [ hah?? masa' sih?? ngga' deh kaya'nya:)]

Motivated by :
* New challenges
* Power and uthority to take risk and make decisions
* Freedom from routine and mundane tasks
* Changing environments in which to work and play

My Ideal Environtment :
* Innovative focus on future
* Non-routine, challenging task and activities
* Projects that produce tangible results
* Freedom from controls, supervison, and details
* Personal evaluations based on my results, not my methods
[agak-agak bingung nih bagian ini]

When communicating with me, DO :
* Be brief, direct, and to the point
* ask "what" not "how" questions
* Highlight logical benefits of featured ideas and approaches
* Agree with facts and ideas rather than the person when in agreement

When communicating with me, DON'T :
* Ramble
* Repeat yourslef
* Make generalizations
* Make statments without support


At 10:43 PM, Blogger L. Pralangga said...

Hmm.. this is interesting indeed...


At 3:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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At 3:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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