Monday, February 12, 2007

When God in the good mood

I was in early second year at my BA time, it’s around d1997, and I still never confident to used the computer, I couldn’t use Word, neither Excel, even worst, I still afraid if I did a wrong step the computer will burned out !!. But I was too shy to ask. Suddenly someone said :”there is never stupid question, you even can ask how to turn on the computer”, and that one started to teach me how to use the computer, what story behind the computer, some software, the internet, etc, etc ”. I can say I’m at the high level of confident of using the computer since that time, I even can say I’m in advance level in some of application such as Word and Excel :)

Time passed by, I am at the first semester at Master level, 2006. New subjects, meeting new people and in a new environment. One day, in a gloomy day I shared how frustrated it is to deal with some of my friends. The same person said :’you know…it’s a luxury to meet difficult person, not everyday you meet a difficult person, see that as a challenge and the best time to practice all you know about how to deal with difficult person, if you need more knowledge about it, let me know, I’ll send you some articles about it :)”.
I feel comfort, indeed, to where I am now.

The other day, I also shared I have free time after 12 pm every Monday – Friday and a week in every month, and… I need extra income :)’. Again, the same person offered me :’ why don’t you teach my nieces :)”. And here I am… teach the cute and wonderful students.

I only mentioned some of the kindness things this person did to me. God must be in a really really good mood, when He decided to agree with the major I choose when I filled the UMPTN form, Aeronautical Engineering, although at that time I really had no idea what will I be in the future if I take that major:), so I can met this person who never stop to help me when I am asking for, and always support me with what exactly I need’.

I believe everybody knows that it’s important to have the right person around you, who can make you to be a better person, but not all people lucky to find that person. And I am the one of the lucky people.

Thanks God for this blessing.

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"May God will always give you and your wife a happy life,
and whatever you pursue will happen in the nearest future"


At 2:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comment to your quote; there's no such thing as stupid question, there's only stupid ......
Heh ..heh ... just kidding !


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