Sunday, October 28, 2007


Aku cuma bisa komentar "Wow" waktu baca email ini :


Just to let you know that I have agreed to purchase this report and I might be able to bring it with me in November if it arrives in time. I know that Pa Bambang said that it was too expensive but I have spread the cost over another part of my non-Indonesian budget so it is now JUST affordable but I will only get one copy.

I hope that the research work is going well and look forward to seeing you and Cohort 2 in Nov.

Regards, Derrick

Professor Derrick J Neal
Faculty Dean
Dept of Defence Management & Security Analysis.
Cranfield University.
Defence Academy of the United Kingdom .

September lalu aku search di internet materi untuk thesis-ku dan nemu report judulnya : TheIndonesia Defence & Security Report. Report ini just published (researched at source in 2007). Jadi tidak heran harga discount 15% nya saja US$775 !!. Report ini berguna sekali untuk thesis-ku, tapi lihat harganya langsung lemes. Aku nyoba minta bantuan ke beberapa orang, salah satunya British Embassy. Agak pesimis sebenarnya waktu itu akan dapat dikabulkan, apalagi sebulan lewat tidak ada kabar satupun.

Benar ya, yang penting usaha dulu, coba waktu itu aku nurutin pesimisku dan tidak kirim email kemana-mana, jawaban seperti ini tidak akan pernah aku dapatkan kan??'.
Kalau rejeki emang tidak akan kemana :)'.


At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Inez ... ikut seneng jadinya. Usaha loe kesana sini ada hasilnya. Semoga cepat rampung ya thesisnya :)

At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.


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